From Jakob Spens to Axel Oxenstierna

Axel Oxenstierna's works and letters

Date 1626-11-11 London
Reg. no
Reg. no 3577
Contents Charles I is willing to help Gustav II Adolf but has no resources. Buckingham is not serious. The ambassadors from Christian IV, Gábor Bethlen and the Margrave of Baden have not achieved much. Charles has promised to transfer 6, 000 troops to Christian IV from the Netherlands. The Dutch are at a loss for what to do. – The conflict with Louis XIII has led to a loss of prestige for Charles, who has had to let the Catholics whom he banned from England return. – Buckingham has promised to send help to Louis XIII in his conflict with La Rochelle. – Spens has discussed the market at Elbing with the English merchants, who are willing to stay there if their trade is guaranteed. Their governor, William Cockin, is dead, and no decisions will be taken until his successor is chosen. – For an analysis of the political situation in England, Spens refers AO to Rusdorf's letter to Camerarius. Spens is very pessimistic about English politics. He asks AO to see that Rusdorf gets his pay.
Original/transcript Orig, egenh.
Language Latin
Storage/hallmark RA/Oxenstiernska samlingen Axel Oxenstierna av Södermöre//E 724
Amended 2016-01-11
Editor of the document text
Editor of the document text Arne Jönsson
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