Rederiaktiebolaget Nike

Incorporated companies 1901–1935

Company name
Company name Rederiaktiebolaget Nike
Year 1906
Mailing address
Mailing address Göteborg
Company purposes
Company purposes Att bedrifva fraktfart på in- och utrikes orter.
Latest articles of association
Latest articles of association 30 april 1900
Managing director
Managing director Lundgren, W R B, Sjökapten
Board members
Board members Kennedy, G Douglas, Disponent
Lundgren, W R B, Sjökapten (vd)
Dickson, W H, Handlare
Board seat
Board seat Göteborg
Share capital
Share capital Stam A: 649000
Stam B: 0
Stam C: 0
Stam D: 0
Stam E: 0
Pref A: 0
Pref B: 0
Pref C: 0
Number of shares
Number of shares 1298
Page of calendar
Page of calendar 1101
Share-out 1934: - % (Stam A)
1933: 5 % (Stam A)
1932: - % (Stam A)
1931: - % (Stam A)
1930: - % (Stam A)
Profit of the year
Profit of the year 0
Equity 0
Total capital
Total capital 0
Created by
Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

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