Enskilda arkiv, personarkiv.Nordenfalk, Carl  (1969 – 1992)


KategoriPerson (släkt). Ospecificerad (Anställd vid Nationalmuseum)
KategoriPerson (släkt). Ospecificerad (Konsthistoriker)
KategoriPerson (släkt). Ospecificerad (Överintendent vid Nationamuseum)
HistoryProfessor Carl Nordenfalk died on the 13th of June 1994 in Stockholm. (Memorial notices by J.G. Alexander, The Burlington Magazine 1993:1078, and Per Bjurström, Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 1992:3) He donated his heritage to the Swedish National Art Museum in Stockholm. The Carl Nordenfalk Archives of the Swedish National Art Museum is now available for research studies in the Photo Archives and in the Archives of the Swedish National art Museum. The Carl Nordenfalk Archives include:
1. The library of Carl Nordenfalk, literature on medieval manuscripts.
2. The Carl Nordenfalk collection of 20-30 000 photographs and reproductions of medieval manuscripts, pictures with notes.
3. The Carl Nordenfalk correspondence.
4. The research archives of Carl Nordenfalk.
The last years before his death Carl Nordenfalk saw that his work had inspired many scholars in medieval history. He held a course about book illuminations in medieval manuscripts 1900-1991 at the Department of the History of Art at the Stockholm University in cooperation with professor Jan Svanberg and the Depratment of manuscripts of the Royal Library in Stockholm. Some of Carl Nordenfalk's students, like Monica Klass, have been cataloguing his archives at the museum and are completing this work. Book illumination was also the theme at The 12th Nordic iconographic symposium "Bok och Bild" at Reykjavik august 1990. Carl Nordenfalk inspired me to read my paper at the symposium about the St. Olav legend in the Carrow Psalter, Ms W. 34 Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. The paper war published in English in Scripta Islandica 43/1992. The other papers from the Reykjavik symposium are printed with summaries in English and German in the Nordic review of iconography published by the Central board of National antiquities in Stockholm, Iconographic Post, Riksantikvarieämbetet.
The Oslo conference on Book Illumination was arranged at the Department of History of Art of the Oslo University in April 1994 by professor Jan Svanberg. Papers were read by Patricia Stirnemann, National Library of France, Paris, Helena Edgren, Museiverket, Helsinki, Dirk Breiding, Frankfurt am Main and professor Jan Svanberg. Facsimiles in the Medievalia-Collection of the Oslo University were presented by Fredrik Elwedahl. Several doctorate students in Stockholm and Oslo now work in the project of Book Illumination.
The collection of Swedish medieval manuscript fragments at the Swedish National Archives in Stockholm is also available for research studies. In the Swedish National Archives are kept about 17 000 leaves of medieval manuscripts preserved as covers of the Crown accounts of the 16th c. A catalogue of these fragments has been under work for several years by Toni Schmid and Oloph Odenius. A project of cataloguing the fragments in a database has recently been established, headed by Doctor Jan Brunius of the Swedish National Archives.
"The Sacrilege" was the title of an exhibition of the medieval manuscript fragments held in 1993-1994 in the Stockholm Medieval Museum in cooperation with the National Archives. The Sacrilege, Helgerånet, was also the title of a book published at the same time containing several papers on medieval literature and liturgy by Swedish scholars like Birgitta Fritz, Sven Helander and Anders Plitz.
The increasing interest for medieval manuscripts and liturgy has given ass. professor Gunilla Iversen in the project Corpus Troporum at the Department of Classical Languages of the Stockholm University the opportunity to start an interdisciplinary course in medieval studies January 1995, European Culture in the Light of Medieval Latin Liturgy. The symposiums, courses and exhibitions of Book Illumination and Manuscripts have been discussed regularly 1990-1994 in the interdisciplinary Medieval Seminar under the head of Ass. professor Göran Dahlbäck at the Department of History, Stockholm University.
A symposium on medieval manuscripts was arranged at the University Library of Uppsala (UUB) in May 1994 by Monica Hedlun, when the Catalogue over the medieval manuscript collection, the C-collection, was completed.
Anne Lidén
Stockholm 1994
References to locations
Ospecificerad topografiuppgift (Sätesort)
Reference codeSE/AB144/EA_27
Link to archive recordhttps://sok.riksarkivet.se/agent/z3ic8bzN6f2lr4Xh0meHzT
Extra IDEA_27


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