Topographical Register at the Swedish National Archives (TORA)

The National Archives' topographical register (TORA) includes places and divisions in Sweden that are associated with the record creators, primarily administrative territories, as well as historical settlement units and divisions linked to archival documents and research databases at the Swedish National Archives.

In TORA there is information about geographical and administrative units and divisions, their names, extent and connections, from the Middle Ages to the present day.

The types included are settlement units (hamlets), parishes, municipalities, counties as well as judicial, ecclesiastical and other administrative divisions.

The settlement units are geocoded based on the oldest large-scale maps from the period 1630–1800. The spatial coordinates mark the positions of hamlets before later land reforms and urbanization.

Help us improve TORA!

TORA currently includes 36,000 entries, of which approx. 26,000 are settlement units. In order to become a more nationally comprehensive register, we are looking for collaborations with individual researchers, research groups and institutions that work with historical-geographical data, historical maps, settlement history, place names, archaeology, community planning or the like.

For questions about this – contact forskning[snabel-a]