
Church records
  • Kyrkoarkiv Database. Church archives.
  • Kyrkoarkiven, register Records of church archives. Arranged by county and parish.
  • Församlingsutdrag 1860–1940 Database. Parish extracts 1860 to 1940.
  • Födelseregister Database. Birth records. Search database for Blekinge, Halland, Jämtland, Kritianstad, Malmöhus and Västernorrland counties. You will find all of the child's baptismal names and dates of birth, parents' names and occupation, village in the parish of birth, the mother's year of birth/age and the archive from which the data was taken.
  • Dödregister Database. Death records. Search database for Blekinge, Gotland, Halland, Jämtland, Kritianstad, Malmöhus and Västernorrland counties. You will find the deceased's name, age, place of residence, next of kin, the archive from which the original data was taken, the date of death and burial and the cause of death.
  • Vigselregister Database. Marriage records. Search database for the counties of Blekinge, Gotland, Jämtland, Kritianstad, Malmöhus and Västernorrland. It tells you the name of the bride and groom, the parish of marriage and home parish, and the date of the marriage.
  • S:ta Katarina svenska församling i S:t Petersburg
  • Sockenkataloger Digitized parish catalogs. Register of where to find a specific village or farm. The data is also useful for digitized material, since, for example, the page reference to the location of a village or farm can be found in the Household Examination Records (Husförhörslängd).
  • Domkapitel, personregister Cathedrals, register of persons.
  • Katekisationslängder Linköping Cathedral Chapter.
  • Katekismilängder. Visitationshandlingar Lund Cathedral Chapter.
Statistics Sweden (Statistiska centralbyrån)
Tax records

Tax records tell the history of people. They provide insight into our ancestors' land ownership, military service, households, finances, health, assets and habits, even alcohol and tobacco use. You can find them under the topic Taxes .

Private collections